Rising interest in blockchain technology among students should tell us that we are on the right path when it comes to embracing digital, decentralized business processes. Blockchain education at US top universities has become reality in an extremely short period of time.
Actually, there has never been a branch of science that caused so much interest in such a short time frame. The amazing thing is that students are especially interested in learning the ways blockchain can contribute to people globally.
Coinbase Annual Report
This year’s report conducted by Qriously and Coinbase was published under the title “Leaders in Crypto Education”. The report focuses on how students perceive blockchain and cryptos. The report shows some fascinating facts and numbers. Namely, the interest in blockchain and cryptocurrencies is rising significantly. Even more importantly, among the students interested in this subject are not only science-and-computer-oriented students. Apparently, this topic is interesting to widest audience possible.
Blockchain Education in Numbers
56% of the world’s top 50 universities offer at least one course on crypto or blockchain. Back in 2018 this percentage was way lower – 42%.
The number of students who took the classes in blockchain training has doubled in comparison to 2018.
Almost 70% of blockchain and cryptos classes are outside of computer science.
Forty-one of the top fifty universities have at least one student-run club dedicated to this technology and the topic in general.
Universities Leading the Education in Blockchain
Reportedly, the US leader in Blockchain-related education is Cornell University. The first initiative in this direction dates back to 2017, when undergrad Joseph Ferrera formed a club for interested students, called Cornell Blockchain. They soon teamed up with Computer Science Professor, Emin Gün Sirer, to help them out. Unexpectedly, only 20% to 30% of students that joined were from computer science, and the rest from all across campus – according to Prof. Sirer.
Nowadays, Cornell offers 14 classes on cryptocurrency and/or blockchain. This makes for 5 classes that have been added this year, due to the increased interest. Cornels IC3 group also promotes the use of blockchain and collaboration with the most reputable researchers worldwide.
New York University can also pride itself with notable interest in this topic, among students. Last year, the lecture on the subject of blockchain moved to a larger hall to accommodate the 225 enrolled students.
MIT, Stanford, and the University of California-Berkeley have also found their places among the top ten universities in the US dedicated to promotion and studying of blockchain and its applications.
Do you think this is the good direction in education?